Job placement is our speciality.
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SOLA is a Registered Federal Contractor.
- Health Care Heroes Appreciation Week
- Events Information
- VaccinatePA.org
- My Dog Is My Home's Inaugural Co-Sheltering Conference - March 3-4, 2021 (Scholarships Available)
- Supporting Family Drug Court Participants through Comprehensive Case Plans: We’re In This Together—Webinar
- Local Organizations Invited to Participate in Symposium on Social Isolation of Seniors
- Evidence-based Practices for Aging in Place
- Aging, Mental Health, and Chronic Illness
- Working with individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Chronic Mental Illness as they Age
- Coping with Change and Loss: Impacts of COVID-19
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Basics Webinar
- “Navigating the Housing Crisis: Your Rights and Resources”
- Virtual Community Garden Workshop
- Preventing Eviction During the Ongoing Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond
- Olympic Steel Career Fair
- Certified Recovery Specialist and Family Specialist Program Course
VA has administer 600,000 vaccine doses a week edit title.

Gershon Bai-Lama, jr
Congrats G- Boy
Class of 2020
The information below may be of interest to you or others in the community.
Contact information will be included with each resource, in the event that you would like more details.
Providing Peer Based Recovery Support Services for Pregnant and Parenting Families
Protecting the Economic Security of Older Adults: What You Need to Know About Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
National Virtual Conference on Ending Homelessness
New Report on the Current Situation Low-Income Renters Face and Their Needs in the Coming Months
Building a New Infrastructure for Our Food System
Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violence: A Look at How a Simple Questionnaire Could Save Lives
Advocating from Experience: Peers Serving the Legal Needs of Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated People
There is Help, There is Hope - Suicide Prevention
Information / News / Training
Community & Human Services News / Information
News / Information
Department of Human Services to Reopen County Assistance Offices to the Public, Encourages Continued Use of Online Services
The Good Samaritan Garage
Volunteer Opportunities
What is The Good Samaritan Garage?
New IRS Tool Makes it Easier to Access Stimulus Checks
Heat Wave Safety
Safety Checklist (English) Safety Checklist (Spanish)
Resource Guides
Franklin County Human Services Directory 2020-2021.
Where to Turn for Help - Quick Reference Guide
Aging Services
Basic Needs
Behavioral Health Services:
Children’s Services
Employment Assistance
Food and Meal Assistance
Health Services
Individuals with Disabilities Services
Veteran’s Services
Support Groups
Community & Human Services Events
Rock for Recovery
Bikes and Bands for House of Hope Fundraiser
5th Annual Franklin County Veterans Affairs Golf Tournament
Registration Form
5th Annual Franklin County Veterans Affairs Golf Tournament - Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Form
Franklin County Information and Referral Agency Donation Wish List
Donation Wish List Form
Printable Agency Donation Wish List (New Items Requested)
Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk
Special Events
Elmcroft of Shippensburg Wine and Dash Event
Franklin County Libraries Needs Your Help Creating Learning Opportunities
Stuff the Bus Annual School Supply Drive
GO! (Get Outdoors) Franklin County
Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library Events
Spanish Club
Wizarding Weekend
AHMFL Preschool Storytime
Music and Movement Mondays
Summer Makerspace Kids Programming
Paws and Claws Storytime
Tails and Tales
MakerSpace Program
Games in the Garden
In The Kitchen
Teen Story Share
Cosplay on a Budget
Teens Game Night
Webinars / Conferences / Training
Virtual Chronic Disease Self Management Workshop
Leadership Academy is Coming!
News / Information
Webinars / Training
Older Adult Certificate Training
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Webinar Series
Education: Classroom & Beyond - August 24, 2021
Transitioning: Preparing for a Change - September 21, 2021
Trauma Informed Care Parenting - October 19, 2021
Children / Family
News / Information
PathStone Migrant and Seasonal Head Start NOW ENROLLING / AHORA REGISTRANDO
Webinars / Training
Understanding Cultural Differences within Asian Immigrant Families: Including Asian Immigrant Teenagers
Employment / Volunteer Opportunities
News / Information
1st Annual Discover Apprenticeship National Virtual Hiring Event
JLG is Hiring Direct
Town Council of the Borough of Chambersburg - Volunteers Needed
Alliance for Nonprofit Resources (ANR) is Hiring Drivers
Luminest Community Development is looking for a Maintenance Mechanic
Luminest Community Development Hiring Bilingual Front Desk Clerk
Webinars / Training
Early Childhood Apprenticeship Virtual Presentation
Agenda of Events
Financial Assistance
News / Information
Webinars / Training
News / Information
Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program Application Deadline Extended
Apply for the Veterans Housing Rehabilitation and Modification Pilot Program
Webinars / Training
News / Information
Community Support Program's New LGBTQ+ Support Group “Thrive”
Franklin County Welcoming Project
Webinars / Training
Mental Health and Substance Use
News / Information
Taking a Trauma-Informed Approach with Events of Escalation
Franklin County Welcoming Project
Webinars / Training
SOAR Webinar: The Medical Summary Report - A Deep Dive for SOAR Providers
Generation Z: Understanding substance use in their world and how to "meet them where they are at"
Telehealth for the Treatment of Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders
Understanding Inclusivity
Mental Health First Aid Courses in 2021
September 21, 2021 Training
Using Positive Youth Development to Improve Housing, Mental Health, and Substance Use Treatment Outcomes
News / Information
Pennsylvania National Guard Association Proudly Present Virtual Job Fair Save the Dates
Webinars / Training
Culturally Competent Approaches to Support Military Veterans and Families – Part I & Part II
Veterans’ Moral Injury and Suicide Prevention Clergy Training
July 28, 2021
Protecting the Economic Security of Older Adults: What You Need to Know About Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)
Pennsylvania National Guard Association Proudly Present Virtual Job Fair Save the Dates
Elmcroft of Shippensburg Wine and Dash Event
July 29, 2021
1st Annual Discover Apprenticeship National Virtual Hiring Event
Fix the System, not the Kids
August 3, 2021
SOAR Webinar: The Medical Summary Report - A Deep Dive for SOAR Providers
August 5, 2021
Building a New Infrastructure for Our Food System
August 12, 2021
Generation Z: Understanding substance use in their world and how to "meet them where they are at"
August 19, 2021
Lethality Assessments for Domestic Violence: A Look at How a Simple Questionnaire Could Save Lives
September 3, 2021
5th Annual Franklin County Veterans Affairs Golf Tournament
Registration Form
September 18, 2021
Rock for Recovery
September 21, 2021
Mental Health First Aid Courses in 2021
September 21, 2021 Training
September 25, 2021
Bikes and Bands for House of Hope Fundraiser
October 9, 2021
Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk
October 27, 2021
Understanding Inclusivity

Christopher Henry Smith currently serving in his 20th term as the U.S. Representative for New Jersey's 4th congressional district, having served since 1981 with Reverend Father Peter Konteh and the U.S. Capitol.

Caritas Freetown
Federal unemployment benefit programs that began under the federal CARES Act, including Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), will end September 4, 2021.
Federal Unemployment Benefits Ending September 4, 2021
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)
PEUC provided additional weeks to individuals enrolled in the Unemployment Compensation (UC) program. When PEUC ends, UC will revert to providing up to 26 weeks of unemployment benefits to eligible individuals. Individuals who have exhausted their 26 weeks of UC benefits will cease to receive benefit payments for weeks of unemployment after September 4 under that claim.
Individuals who remained on PEUC due to the Weekly Benefit Amount being at least $25 more than an eligible UC claim filed, should continue to file for weekly benefits since you will return to that eligible UC claim effective with the week ending September 11.
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
PUA provides unemployment benefits to individuals who are not typically eligible for UC, such as gig workers and self-employed individuals. Individuals on the PUA program will cease to receive payments for weeks of unemployment after September 4 unless they become eligible for a traditional UC program.
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)
FPUC provides an additional $300 per week to individuals who are receiving at least $1 in other unemployment program benefits. For weeks of unemployment after September 4, individuals will no longer receive the additional $300 per week and solely receive the benefit payment they are eligible from a traditional UC program.
Job Search Assistance Available
L&I urges individuals currently enrolled in PEUC and PUA to take advantage of free jobseeker services offered through PA CareerLink®. These services include access to a free job database, resume assistance, information about reskilling opportunities and career counseling.
Visit PA CareerLink®
Other Program Assistance
The Department of Human Services offers a variety of assistance programs, which can be found online at the Compass website.
Pennsylvanians who need health insurance who do not qualify for Medicaid can explore coverage options through Pennie, the commonwealth's health insurance exchange.
More information about food assistance resources can be found at the PA Department of Agriculture.
Additional Public Resources and Services Available
A guide is available on L&I’s website that will provide more resources that may assist individuals and families search for employment, health care, social services, food, utilities, child care, housing, debt, and mental health and substance abuse services.
Federal unemployment benefit programs that began under the federal CARES Act, including Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), will end September 4, 2021.
Federal Unemployment Benefits Ending September 4, 2021
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)
PEUC provided additional weeks to individuals enrolled in the Unemployment Compensation (UC) program. When PEUC ends, UC will revert to providing up to 26 weeks of unemployment benefits to eligible individuals. Individuals who have exhausted their 26 weeks of UC benefits will cease to receive benefit payments for weeks of unemployment after September 4 under that claim.
Individuals who remained on PEUC due to the Weekly Benefit Amount being at least $25 more than an eligible UC claim filed, should continue to file for weekly benefits since you will return to that eligible UC claim effective with the week ending September 11.
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
PUA provides unemployment benefits to individuals who are not typically eligible for UC, such as gig workers and self-employed individuals. Individuals on the PUA program will cease to receive payments for weeks of unemployment after September 4 unless they become eligible for a traditional UC program.
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)
FPUC provides an additional $300 per week to individuals who are receiving at least $1 in other unemployment program benefits. For weeks of unemployment after September 4, individuals will no longer receive the additional $300 per week and solely receive the benefit payment they are eligible from a traditional UC program.
Job Search Assistance Available
L&I urges individuals currently enrolled in PEUC and PUA to take advantage of free jobseeker services offered through PA CareerLink®. These services include access to a free job database, resume assistance, information about reskilling opportunities and career counseling.
Visit PA CareerLink®
Other Program Assistance
The Department of Human Services offers a variety of assistance programs, which can be found online at the Compass website.
Pennsylvanians who need health insurance who do not qualify for Medicaid can explore coverage options through Pennie, the commonwealth's health insurance exchange.
More information about food assistance resources can be found at the PA Department of Agriculture.
Additional Public Resources and Services Available
A guide is available on L&I’s website that will provide more resources that may assist individuals and families search for employment, health care, social services, food, utilities, child care, housing, debt, and mental health and substance abuse services.

We will help you identify how your current skills and experience can translate to new opportunities. We will also help you receive the training, certification or education you need to help you advance in your chosen field of employment or explore new career avenues.
To learn more, please visit a SOLA Career Resource Center near you, or call 717-816-6806 If you are a business looking to hire, please visit our corporate office or call Gershon Bai- Lama to learn more about our business solutions.
Standard Of Living Augmentation Inc. (Sola) have partner with the Franklin County Free Library system for using it's Chambersburg and Waynesboro facilities to recruit, and train clients begining May 5, 2015. So come one, and come all if the following applies to you:
Are you actively looking for Employment?
Is your educational background holding you back?
Is your criminal background holding you back?
Are you concern about a disability and work related rejection?
Are you on SSI and you wanted to return to gainful employment but concern about forfeiting your benefits or check?
Are you a veteran?
If you answer yes to any of the above questions, we can help you!
Come to the Coyle Free Library
102 N Main St,
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Near the intersection of N Main St and W King St/E King St/US-11
(717) 263-1054
Tuesday: 9:30 - 1:30

We proudly support the Veteran Jobs Mission, a group of over 200 companies that have committed to collectively hiring a total of one million military veterans.
In preparation of your interview, please bring the following items:
A copy of your updated resume. Please also attach one to your candidate profile online, if possible.
Dress Code for Interviewing:
Please dress for success! Slacks, ties and dress shirts are appropriate for men.
Slacks, knee length skirts, modest blouses are appropriate for women.
No jeans, tennis shoes, sandals, open-toed shoes, low-cut blouses or baggy clothes allowed.
We look forward to meeting you!
Thank you,
PA CareerLink® Day
Happening Tomorrow!
Tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 12, PA CareerLink® locations across the state will host career fairs, open houses, resume workshops, and more as part of PA CareerLink® Day.
Whether you are rejoining the workforce or building your skills set, PA CareerLink® Day is meant to encourage you to achieve your full potential with PA CareerLink® free resources/events. As the state continues to rebuild our workforce and navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, Pennsylvania wants you to know that we have your back!
PA CareerLink® offers a range of free resources every day, including:
job fairs
resume building
personalized assistance to get you hired and paid PA CareerLink® Day will showcase a sample of what PA CareerLink® locations have to offer you during your job search. And, attendance at most events counts towards the weekly work search requirement.
So, we’re encouraging all Pennsylvanians to show up and discover what’s possible tomorrow, August 12, 2021. To learn what events will be offered around your area, please visit:
Find a PA CareerLink® Day Event Near You
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a variety of unique situations and conditions for workers, businesses, employers, and communities. The Wolf Administration and the public servants of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are committed to providing you with ongoing information and will continue doing everything we can to support the needs of all Pennsylvanians.
Unemployment Compensation
Unemployment Compensation (UC) is one of many benefits that may be available to you during this challenging and unprecedented time. This email will guide you to more resources that may assist you and your family in your search for employment, health care, social services, food, utilities, housing, child care, debt, and child care resources.
Lost Wages Assistance Program
The federal Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) Program gives Pennsylvania funding to provide an extra $300 a week in additional funds to individuals that are unemployed (or partially unemployed) because of COVID-19. This benefit is available for a limited number of weeks.
To be Eligible for the LWA Program
- You must be fully or partially unemployed due to COVID-19, and
- You must have a weekly benefit rate + dependent allowance totaling $100 or more, and
- You must receive a payment each week from an unemployment program.
Learn more about the LWA program and how to certify by visiting https://www.uc.pa.gov/unemployment-benefits/file/Pages/LWA.aspx
$600 FPUC Payments
If you received Unemployment Compensation (UC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), or Extended Benefits (EB) between April 4 and July 25, 2020, you will have also received a $600-per-week Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) payment in addition to your weekly benefit rate.
The federal government created and funded the $600 weekly FPUC payments and ended the program on July 31, 2020. Under the federal requirement, the claim week ending July 25, 2020, will be the last $600 FPUC payment you receive.
If you are still awaiting payment for any claim weeks from April 4 through July 25, you will receive all FPUC payments for which you are eligible, even if payments for those weeks are made after July 25, 2020.
For all UC, PUA, PEUC, or EB claims filed for weeks ending after July 25, you will continue to receive your weekly benefit amount. Weekly Benefit Rates and additional information about PUA benefit rates are available at www.uc.pa.gov .
Paid Leave Options for Employees:
If your employer remains in operation but you are unable to work due to COVID-19, you may wish to use paid leave rather than filing for UC.
You cannot collect both paid leave and UC at the same time. However, you can file a claim for UC benefits if you know you will exhaust all of your paid leave. Remember: you must report all income received from any source, including paid leave, including paid sick, paid time off, paid vacation, and paid comp time.
Check with your employer to see if the following benefits are available to you:
- Paid sick time
- Paid time off
- Paid vacation time
- Short-term disability insurance
- Any additional resources
Ask your employer about recent federal expansions of paid leave:
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid leave and expanded family and medical leave for specific reasons related to COVID-19.
If you work for an employer with less than 500 employees, or work for a public employer with one or more employees, ask your employer about using this leave. Leave available through the FFCRA includes:
- Up to 10 days of paid leave if you or a family member have COVID-19 or have been exposed to it
- Up to 12 weeks of paid leave if you are unable to work because your child’s school or childcare is closed due to COVID-19
Workers’ Compensation (WC) Benefits
If you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19 in your workplace, you may be eligible for Workers’ Compensation (WC) by either:
- Notifying your employer to file a typical “disease-as-injury” WC claim, which requires you to provide medical evidence that you were exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace
- Notifying your employer to file an “occupational disease” WC claim, which requires you to show that COVID-19 is occurring more in your occupation/industry than in the general population
To learn more about the WC process, please visit www.dli.pa.gov .
Unpaid Wage Claims
If you have been laid off and have not received your last paycheck or compensation you are owed, payment to you is required by state law. If your regular payday has passed without payment, contact the Pennsylvania Bureau of Labor Law Compliance by calling 1-800-932-0665. You can also submit a claim by visiting www.dli.pa.gov .
U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) Disaster Assistance Loans for Small Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)
SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans offer up to $2 million in assistance for a small business. These loans can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing during the pandemic.
For additional information, contact the SBA disaster assistance customer service center by calling 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) or e-mailing disastercustomerservice@sba.gov .
Search for Employment
Looking for work? Register on PA CareerLink at www.PACareerLink.pa.gov , and use the job search function to explore new occupations. There are several other resources on the site like links to trainings, job counselors, and more.
Note to UC Claimants: Work Search and Work Registration requirements are temporarily waived for all UC claimants. Claimants are not required to prove they have applied or searched for a new job to maintain their UC benefits. Claimants are also not required to register with PA CareerLink.
Maintaining Health Insurance Coverage
You should speak with your previous employer to ask if you will still be covered by your employer’s benefits and, if so, for how long. Some employers may consider employees collecting UC to be in “unpaid with benefits” status, and those individuals may be able to maintain their health insurance coverage through their previous employer.
If you are no longer receiving health insurance through your employer, you may be eligible to enroll in COBRA to continue your current health coverage, or you may purchase health insurance through the health insurance Marketplace. For more information on these programs, visit the Pennsylvania Insurance Department’s, Health Insurance Options page ( https://www.insurance.pa.gov/Coverage/Pages/Health-Insurance-Options.aspx) or call 1-877-881-6388. If you believe you are eligible for Medicaid, you can also use COMPASS to sign up for Medical Assistance. COMPASS is an online tool for Pennsylvanians to apply for many health and human service programs like Medicaid and CHIP. Visit COMPASS at www.compass.state.pa.us .

Gov. Wolf, Attorney General Shapiro Announce Protections from Foreclosures and Evictions Through July 10
Governor Tom Wolf was joined by Attorney General Josh Shapiro today to announce that he signed an executive order that protects Pennsylvanians from foreclosures or evictions through July 10. The action builds on a Pennsylvania Supreme Court order which closed court eviction proceedings until May 11 and ensures no renter or homeowner will be removed from their home for 60 more days.
“At a time when people need to stay home to protect their heath, they should not have to worry about losing their homes,” said Governor Wolf. “Ensuring that people can remain in their homes will help them to better protect their loved ones. It gives families the comfort of knowing they will have a place to live while all of us work together to fight COVID-19 and prepare to move Pennsylvania forward.”
“I commend the Governor for his decision to delay eviction and foreclosure proceedings. We know it’s critical for public health, and for our economic recovery, that people stay in their homes during this emergency,” said Attorney General Shapiro. “This order gives people struggling with lost income something they can count on — a roof over their heads.”
In almost all circumstances, renters and homeowners are required to continue making monthly payments. If you are a Pennsylvanian struggling to make your monthly payments, you should contact your landlord or mortgage servicer immediately.
The Wolf Administration provided recommendations last week to stem foreclosures, evictions and help people experiencing homelessness. The Department of Human Services activated the commonwealth’s Sheltering Taskforce and is working with local and state partners to coordinate resources for people without housing. The Department of Community and Economic Development is also accepting applications for Emergency Solutions Grants to assist with the rapid rehousing of people experiencing homelessness, street outreach, homelessness prevention, and emergency shelter activities.
PHFA is also taking action to help homeowners and renters. The agency has stopped foreclosures and evictions and is offering forbearances with late fee waivers to homeowners with a PHFA mortgage who are experiencing a financial hardship because of COVID-19. PHFA also developed a list of renters’ rights and responsibilities to clarify the situation for apartment residents and is working with landlords and property managers to distribute it to renters. PHFA is also encouraging Low-Income Housing Tax Credit building managers to be flexible on rent payments and to waive late fees for tenants whose employment has been affected by the crisis.
“During the past few weeks, we’ve had great cooperation from Pennsylvanians who understand that staying home is not just about protecting themselves, it’s about protecting everyone in the community,” said Gov. Wolf. This executive order takes one more burden off people who are struggling and gives them more time to get back on their feet.”
More helpful information is available from the following:
- Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
- United Way of PA
- Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies
- FHFA Foreclosure and Eviction Assistance
Chief Executive Officer

Changing lives through work.
We've loved every minute of our journey

Mr. Gibrilla Kamara a Sierra Leonean national was kidnapped in Liberia and sent to the United States for trial on Drug Charges. He was a genuine businessman that opposed a 3rd presidential term for the former President Koroma to save the 1991 constitution of Sierra Leone which stipulated 2 term limits for president. Mr. Kamara is a genuine business man who have assisted Sierra Leone greatly both during and post war period. He was a contractor for the government, United Nations, U.S. Embassy in Freetown, International Red Cross, and he transported ex-combatants to disarmament locations to surrender their weapons in exchange for money paid by the United Nations.
After an aircraft landed at Lungi International Airport with drugs, his name was associated with the shipment. He feared for his life and fled for Guinea, and later Liberia. The head of the Liberian National Security Agency (NSA) who was also the son of the Liberian President,abducted him and wanted him to implicate political opponents in the drug deal in exchange for a fine. Political opponent such as current presidents of Liberia and Sierra Leone, and former vice president of Sierra Leone, to name a few. He declined to comply.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” – Martin Luther.
The Standard of Living Augmentation is proud to feature Reverend Father Peter Konteh in recognition of his outstanding altruistic work with the CARITAS in Africa and around the globe. To see his charity work both during the civil and post war Sierra Leone; and around the globe, click on our blog section to watch YouTube documentaries of his contributions. On behalf of our Board Members in Franklin and Fulton Counties in Pennsylvania, we want you to join us in welcoming Reverend Father Peter Konteh to the United States.

The Staff Members of SOLA, and the Bai-Lama Family want to thank all of the veterans for their services to This Great Nations.
Especially the 35 Veterans in our Program in Fulton, Franklin and Cumberland Counties. You guys Rock..
Gershon Bai-Lama
Let's celebrate the day that gave us the freedom of thought, actions, faith and speech! Today we celebrate the land of the free and the home of the brave. Hope your Independence Day is monumental! Celebrate freedom! Hope your Day of Freedom is filled with family, friends and fireworks!
Independence a precious gift from God. May we always remain independent. Wishing you a safe and happy Independence Day!
Freedom, Liberty, Unity. Enjoy your Day of Freedom!
It's cool to be american! Hooray for the people who live in this land!
On this special day here's wishing our dreams of a new tomorrow come true! May your Independence Day day be filled with patriotic spirit!
Happy Birthday America! Celebrating our independence, celebrating our freedom!
We celebrate bravery of our fathers and their gift of freedom. Long may our flag wave!

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

On Behalf of everyone at SOLA and my family, we would like to thank you for an amazing year and wish you happy holidays together with your loved ones.
May the coming year bring you many beautiful moments and inspiring new discoveries. Remember, "Life Is About Making An Impact, Not Making An Income"( Kevin Kruse).
The Standard of Living Augmentation want to that all the veterans in the United States for their services in keeping us safe at home and abroad so we can live life to its fullest and contribute to the economic growth of our nation. We have trained, mentored and placed 27 veterans in Franklin and Fulton County. Out of the 27, 11 were homeless when they came to our program, and I am proud to announce that; all 11 individuals that were homeless have secured housing and working full time. We want to thank Chambersburg Wal- Mart, Citigroup and Staples warehouse for their support.

In PA, returning citizens that have served time can vote during elections. SOLA have registered 527 returning citizens before the October 11, deadline. Thanks to all our volunteers in Fulton and Franklin County. Get Out and Vote… Any application submitted now until 11/08/2016 will be held and processed the day after the 2016 GENERAL ELECTION. If you are registering for the first time and are not already registered to vote, you will not be able to vote in the 2016 GENERAL ELECTION
This holiday weekend is Memorial Day, the special day we observe to honor those who have given their lives during military services to our country. SOLA salutes all veterans and their families for their service. Also, a special thanks to our partners Chambersburg Wal-Mart, Keystone Goodwill and Keystone Association for the blind for hiring our veterans. Happy holiday and remember your family need you and do not drink and drive. Make sure all passengers and you buckle up.!!!!
From the Executive Director – Gershon Bai-Lama Bangura

Wishing the Staff of Franklin County Administrative Department,Franklin County Jail, Public Defenders Office, Legal Aid, Probation and Pre -Released Department, Coyle Free Library, our wonderful clients' staff members and sponsors a wonderful Thanksgiving.

On November 3, 2016, SOLA launched its first Stakeholders Committee for Franklin County. Amongst the attendees were senior staff members of the Franklin County Administrative department responsible for awarding grants to well meaning organizations such as ours. The officials also inspected the office equipments bought by SOLA for the Job Resource Center, and were very pleased with feed backs from clients and the Organizational Culture and Structure of SOLA’s open door policy and creativity.
SOLA also elected Mrs. Marie Johnson as Chairlady for the Peer Support group and Mr. Mitchell Green as Organizing Secretary, also SOLA’s TaraLee King will serve as Secretary for the Stakeholders Committee.
We have also formed a GOFUNDME account to raise funds to buy a use bus for the purpose of providing transportation for clients and residents’ of Franklin and Fulton Counties. We operate in rural areas that do not offer public transportation to its citizens and for individuals that are trying to get back on their feet after redressing all of their past mistakes. This is usually a recipe for our clients’ to recidivate, and we are calling on all to aid in our GOFUNDME online campaign to make our goal a reality. Below are photos of after meeting reception.

Tools for Education is an event that provides low- income, school- age children kindergarten through 12th grade with backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year. This event will begin from July 1 to August 20, 2015.
Those making fewer than 150% of the federal poverty guideline are eligible to receive school supplies in August at the Coyle Free Library in Chambersburg on Tuesdays between 9:30 to 1:30 and on Mondays at the Fulton County Library in McConnellsburg. If unsure of eligibility, call (717) 816-6806 for clarification or visit us at one of the libraries mentioned above on Mondays and Tuesdays respectively. Please bring your donations on Mondays at the Fulton County Library, and Tuesdays at the Coyle Free Library in Chambersburg or call (717) 816-6806. You can also deposit your donations at 146 S. Antrim Way in Greencastle PA at the reception desk, and 30 South Washington Street in Greencastle PA. All donations are Tax Deductible.
Placement Report for April and Un-employment Statistics for FRANKLIN AND Fulton Counties from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industries
The Standard Of Living Augmentation Inc. have a decline in job placement in Franklin County and a slight increase in Fulton County for the Month of April. Franklin County had 14 placement in March and 10 in April. Fulton County had 1 placement in March and 9 placements in April. Below are the breakdowns of the employers who have proven that collaborating with social organizations is the only way our communities can move forward economically.
Franklin County ( 10) Ten Placement in April
8 - placement at T.B. Woods
2 placements at Knouse Foods
Fulton County ( 9 )Nine Placements in April
3 Placements- at McDonalds
1 Placement at the Foot of the Mountain Restaurant
5 Placement at JLG Industries
Franklin County, Pa.
March 2015 ... 4.9 percent
February 2015 ... 4.9 percent
January 2015 ... 5.2 percent
March 2014 ... 5.8 percent
Fulton County, Pa.
March 2015 ... 6.3 percent
February 2015 ... 6.1 percent
January 2015 ... 6 percent
March 2014 ... 7.8 percent
March 2015 ... 5.3 percent